Daily Giz Wiz 115: SunSquirt

Episode 115 of the podcast

Subject: Review of SunSquirt
Released:Friday 28 July 2006
Length:about 10 minutes
Download file:dgw0115.mp3 (4.6 MB)

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Short info

On this trip to Dick's Gadget Warehouse... It's wet, it's weird, it's nowhere to be found anymore! Sunsquirt

Detailed information

A battery-operated device with a timer that produced squirts of water on you to cool you down at intervals of 3, 5 or 10 minutes while you were on the beach.  An automated water-spray for sunbathers.


Dick remarks that it is no coincidence that the Daily Giz Wiz and Dick's Gadget Warehouse have the same initials DGW.

A trial version of the gravy jingle

Dick refers to a gravy jingle submission from Dan Lueders from Chicago which Leo "put in yesterday".  The jingle had not in fact been played in Episode 114.  There have been other submissions as well.

Model 100

The Radio Shack Model 100 (Episode 110) attracted a lot of fan mail.  Those interested in it can go to Club100.


Leo has ordered the cassette tape digitisation gadget, and asks if he can do a gadget once in a while, say, in a table-turning week.  Dick suggests a Turn-The-Tables-Tuesday when he can start scoffing at Leo's gadgets.

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Tags: Electronic Moisturizer Wacky Gadgets

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