Daily Giz Wiz 118: Energizer Quick Switch Flashlight

Episode 118 of the podcast

Subject: Review of Energizer Quick Switch Flashlight
Released:Wednesday 2 August 2006
Length:about 11 minutes
Download file:dgw0118.mp3 (4.9 MB)

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Short info

With the Energizer Quick Switch Flashlight you can use whatever batteries you have in the house, AA, C or D batteries. About $13.

Detailed information

Been in an emergency, found the battery was dead, and couldn't find the right battery for your flashlight?  This flashlight takes 2 AA, C or D batteries.  It's a heads-up from Rich Mazel of Gadget Adventure, who also put Dick and Dynamism together..

Hello, Anders!

Anders Wilson won the What The Heck contest, but is outside US and Canada.  He just wants a hello from Dick and Leo.  Other overseas winners can make similar requests.

The podcast that ...

... makes its own lumpy gravy, or squirts its own sunshine, suggest some listeners, including one Tara Milne.  But Leo thinks until they're stopped by Del Monte, they'll carry on with the old gravy slogan.  They don't claim to be the only podcast that makes its own gravy.

Gravy Jingle

The D-A-I-L-Y gravy jingle by Paul Minshall is aired for the first time during the show itself.  It has appeared at the end of every episode since the beginning of this week, in Episode 116.

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