Daily Giz Wiz 121: Xplay 2

Episode 121 of the podcast

Xplay 2
Subject: Review of Xplay 2
Released:Monday 7 August 2006
Length:about 14 minutes
Download file:dgw0121.mp3 (6.2 MB)

Listen to the episode

Short info

MediaFour's XPLAY2 is an alternative to iTunes for Windows users. Under $30.

Detailed information

The first piece of software to be featured on DGW, XPlay 2 enabled music on your iPod to be backed up easily.  It also allows Windows ME and 98se (not supported by iTunes) users to access their iPods.

Mad Currency

Mad ran into a brief brush with the FBI after Mad issued its own Mad currency.

Things we hate about gadgets

Is there such a thing?  Billy Spelchan (of Blazing Games) wrote in to say he hates gadgets that don't have an off-switch.  Dick invites the audience to write in about things they hate about gadgets.

July '06 What the Heck Is It

It looks like a priest's collar but is a device that carries shopping bag.

One of two podcasts that make its own gravy ...

... or the only podcast that makes its own lumpy gravy.

Album Art

Another first.  For the first time, the gadget appears in the album art of the mp3 download.

Related gadgets & episodes

Tags: iPod Accessory MP3 Player Software

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