Daily Giz Wiz 145: Dejaview

Episode 145 of the podcast

Subject: Review of Dejaview
Released:Friday 8 September 2006
Length:about 17 minutes
Download file:dgw0145.mp3 (7.8 MB)

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Short info

From deep within the confines of stately DeBartolo Manor, it's Dick's Gadget Warehouse. This week: Dejaview.

Detailed information

Dejaview was a videocam that you could attach to your spectacles or baseball cap.  It would record constantly and overwrite old footage until you pressed a button to select keeping the last 30 seconds.  The idea was that you'd never miss those precious moments again.  Dick showed it with Leo on the Screensavers, while Leo himself showed it on Regis.

No Windows and No Doors

In the intro, Leo described the Gadget Warehouse as having no windows and no doors - like the Haunted Mansion in Disneyland.

Larry DeBartolo

On one TV show, Leo introduced Dick as Larry.  A bad day for Leo.

Multiple Layers of Protection

Visa - the diaper of credit cards - that's according to Visa.  There goes the sponsorship.

Dutch Hacker At Work

Zeldon from Holland "hacked" into DGW and got the August '06 WTHII answer from the pre-recorded shows.  But at least he fessed up.

Mad Minute ringing in your ears

Leo apologises for the sound level of the Mad Minutes.  The sound level is actually lower than the rest of the podcast, but it's heavily compressed so that one perceives the sound to be much louder.  Today's Mad Minute is from Turbulent Air again, which never treats you like a child.  No seat belts required.

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