Daily Giz Wiz 162: Sanyo Xacti HD1a

Episode 162 of the podcast

Sanyo Xacti HD1a
Subject: Review of Sanyo Xacti HD1a
Released:Tuesday 3 October 2006
Length:about 17 minutes
Download file:dgw0162.mp3 (7.8 MB)

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Short info

On turn the tables Tuesday, Leo reviews the latest solid state camcorder from Sanyo. The Xacti HD1a offers 720p HD video, 5.3 megapixel stills, and iPod compatible video in a lightweight portable for just $699.

Detailed information

The Sanyo Xacti HD1A records HD 1280 x 720 pixels, 30fps video (16:9 wide aspect ratio) in MPEG-4 on to SDHC cards, 5 MP stills.  It fits on to the palm of your hand, has a 2.2" OLED screen, and weighs only 210g.  Leo thinks that these flash drive camcorders are finally ready for the big time.  The quality of the highly compressed video is very acceptable.  It comes with a dock (which you use for charging the camcorder as well) and a USB cable and you can just copy off the video files on to your computer.


A listener thinks that since doing the commercials, Dick and Leo have sounded like sheisters.  Leo's reaction: "You mean we weren't?"

Feathering the Mad Minutes

Leo has figured a way to turn down the perceived sound level of Mad Minutes.  He corresponded with a sound engineer.  It's all heavily compressed in the mid-range, so he'll try expanding it, and a little EQ, a little feathering.  Leo promises the Mad Minute this time will be a beaut. So it may be, but it's nowhere to be found on the podcast!

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