Daily Giz Wiz 166: Leak Frog

Episode 166 of the podcast

Leak Frog
Subject: Review of Leak Frog
Released:Monday 9 October 2006
Length:about 17 minutes
Download file:dgw0166.mp3 (7.8 MB)

Listen to the episode

Short info

A cute green little frog that howls when it gets wet - useful for detecting leaks in out of the way places. $12.99

Detailed information

Put this smiling frog on the floor of your bathroom or kitchen or wherever accidental leaks might occur, and it alerts you with its alarm when it detects a leak.  It's called the LeakFrog.

Call For Help

Dick and Leo have just come back from Toronto filming the latest episodes of Call For Help.  Call For Help got a little help from Cali Lewis from GeekBrief who stood in as a guest host after Amber's departure.

Banana Worship

Dick thinks a "Worship-us" cruise would be a good idea, where fellow passengers on the cruise would go to worship Dick and Leo bringing along gadgets and dropping flowers on their laps.  Leo thinks he's just the second banana on the show, like Ed McMahon to Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show, and he mustn't overstep the mark.  Dick says they're bananas all right.

Knit Lite

Lighted Knitting Needles

Shelley Ziegler, who listens to DGW with her husband in their car on family vacations, loves Dick and Leo going off on a tangent in their shows.  Being an avid knitter, she recommends the lighted knitting needles from Knit Lite.  There's also the Crochet Lite.

Finally, Another Letters Jingle

George Wood from the UK has done a great letters jingle for DGW.  He's a music professional, with ProMedia.  He is Programming Manager for hands-on-midi software, also does mobile content for Nokia, Disney, Orange as well as composing and arranging thematic library music for TV and Radio. Check out George Wood on Promedia, Podshow, or here on Vox.

Mad Minutes Again

Leo's plusdeck2c broke down last week, and the Mad Minutes were off the air.  They'll be back this week, with improved sound quality.


Aaron Becker, while listening to the Key Buoy episode (Episode 149), was lifting up the Big Orange Book (BOB, on astro-physics).  He heard the part where Dick and Leo gave the "consult your physician" warning, was caught off guard, his knees got weak, and he fell to the floor.  There will be a TV version of the Key Buoy on Call For Help.

Mad Minute

Listen to what happens at Degenerate Hospital.

[play video]

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