Daily Giz Wiz 168: Sportscaster

Episode 168 of the podcast

Subject: Review of Sportscaster
Released:Wednesday 11 October 2006
Length:about 13 minutes
Download file:dgw0168.mp3 (5.8 MB)

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Short info

The Sportscaster XM Radio is not just for sports. Compact for car and home and just $40 after rebate.

Detailed information

The Sportscaster is a portable XM radio.  It's not limited to sports channels, but it's called the Sportscaster probably because it's small and sporty.  It's about 4.5 inches wide, less than 2 inches high and 0.75 inches deep.  Comes with a Car Kit (antenna, cigarette lighter adapter and remote control).  There's also a Home Kit for it.


Dick heard on 1010WINS about some guy registering the word "netcast".  Leo explains.

Leo on XM

Leo is trying to get his radio show on to an XM channel.

Letters Jingle

Leo refers to the Letters Jingle writer George Wood as being from London.  Wrong again!


A listener Trey misses the commercials, and has written to Visa about supporting the show.  Leo says he's turned down sponsorship offers from GM, IBM, Proctor and Gamble, but he'll accept commercials for potholes.

Mad Minute

A visit to the Turbulent Air Maintenance Shop.

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