Daily Giz Wiz 20: Timex Datalink

Episode 20 of the podcast

Subject: Review of Timex Datalink
Released:Friday 17 March 2006
Length:about 11 minutes
Download file:dgw0020.mp3 (4.9 MB)

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Detailed information

Send up to 150 items of data (40 characters each) from your computer to this Timex Datalink Watch.  To the right is a more recent version, now with USB and more storage.

Did you know?

This is St Patrick's Day, and Dick and Leo chowed down to some corned beef, cabbage and a little green beer.

Beepwear Watch

Dick used to have a beepwear watch which has a paging function, which he used in conjunction with the Motorola Quickword, for text messages.  This allowed him to communicate with his dog-sitter when he was away from home.  The Motorola Quickword is the subject of another Warehouse Friday in Episode 220.

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