Daily Giz Wiz 220: Motorola Quick Word

Episode 220 of the podcast

Motorola Quick Word
Subject: Review of Motorola Quick Word
Released:Friday 22 December 2006
Length:about 16 minutes
Download file:dgw0220.mp3 (7.5 MB)

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Short info

From the gadget warehouse, a product that never had a chance: the Motorola Quick Word.

Detailed information

From Dick's Gadget Warehouse
A device that connected to a landline telephone and opened up to reveal a keyboard for inputting a text message to a pager number.

Beepwear Watch

Dick used to use the QuickWord in conjunction with his Beepwear Watch (first mentioned in Episode 20) which had its own telephone number.  When Dick has to leave his hound dog in the Debartolo Manor, the dog-sitter could send Dick a message to his Beepwear Watch.

Florence, Joy, Sally, Maria, Elizabeth and Tiffany

They are the Giz Wiz Festive Letters Jingle Singers.

DGW at 1.3x

A listener Gerard had to catch up 13 DGWs in a row and he played them in Windows Media Player at 1.3 times speed.

Self-Cleaning Litter Box

Gerard also recommends the Littermaid Self-Cleaning Litter Box.

A Prayer for James Kim

Dick asks everyone to say a prayer for James Kim, Tech Editor at CNET, formerly at TechTV, and his family.

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