Daily Giz Wiz 224: 4Moms Digital Spout Cover

Episode 224 of the podcast

4Moms Digital Spout Cover
Subject: Review of 4Moms Digital Spout Cover
Released:Thursday 28 December 2006
Length:about 10 minutes
Download file:dgw0224.mp3 (4.6 MB)

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Short info

Make sure the bath water is just right with this digital spout cover from 4 Moms.

Detailed information

A device for the bathtub that displays the temperature of the water coming out of the tap.  When the water is too hot, the colour display turns red.  Blue for too cold, and green for just right.  It also has an audio alarm.


Listen to why Dick's dog is called Fairway.

Microsoft Bob

A listener Vey used to work at Babbages, a software store.  Microsoft Bob (Episode 215) was sold 3 times - the same copy - and returned 3 times.  3 years later when the store closed down, it was still on the shelf.  Vey also loves the Butter Wizard (Episode 216).

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