Daily Giz Wiz 246: A Visit To The Gadget Warehouse

Episode 246 of the podcast

A Visit To The Gadget Warehouse
Subject: Review of A Visit To The Gadget Warehouse
Released:Monday 12 February 2007
Length:about 15 minutes
Download file:dgw0246.mp3 (9.4 MB)

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Short info

There actually is a gadget warehouse and we tour it for real!

Detailed information

A Visit To The Gadget Warehouse

A special episode on Dick's Gadget Warehouse recorded in the warehouse itself when Leo was in New York City filming Regis & Kelly.  It's official.  The Gadget Warehouse exists.
For some insider trivia on the production of this episode, read the InsideTwiT blog by Dane Golden.

A Treasure Trove

Dick takes Leo through a quick tour of the warehouse, showing Leo some of the gadgets in the warehouse, some of which have been covered on previous Gadget Warehouse Fridays.
They include Tyco's Real Talkin' Bubba, Interstate Battery Booster (Episode 160), a tea kettle in the form of a train, the Toshiba Sonic Jacket (Episode 170), Fujix compact video projector, Atari Video Music player (Episode 85), part of a breakfast service of the RMS Mauretania, P3 International's Desk Clock Video Camera, the entire set of Village People costumes, Bell Sonecor Cordless Headset Phone, Spiderman, a Panasonic microcassette recorder, a Lightning belt (luminescent glow-in-the-dark belt), a Silver Corkscrew Award.

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