Daily Giz Wiz 248: Loc8tor Plus

Episode 248 of the podcast

Loc8tor Plus
Subject: Review of Loc8tor Plus
Released:Wednesday 14 February 2007
Length:about 13 minutes
Download file:dgw0248.mp3 (5.9 MB)

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Short info

Lost your keys, or a loved one? Try the Loc8tor Plus.

Detailed information

Put a Homing Tag on any object you want to protect or track and authorise the tag with the Loc8tor Plus.  When you want to locate the item, find the item on the LCD menu, press a button, the tag will flash and beep and the LCD screen will show you directions to the item.  The Panic Tag adds a further feature.  Put a panic tag on your child and a press on the button on the tag alerts you.

You can also set a "safety zone" so that if the tag gets outside the allowed range, you will be alerted on the main unit.  Works within a maximum range of 600 feet.

Collyer Brothers

Listener Danny has made subtle changes to the Collyer Brothers Wikipedia entry, so that at one time, the Collyer Brothers' house contents included the Hayes SmartModem (Episode 245).

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