Daily Giz Wiz 258: Oregon Scientific Action Cam

Episode 258 of the podcast

Oregon Scientific Action Cam
Subject: Review of Oregon Scientific Action Cam
Released:Wednesday 28 February 2007
Length:about 13 minutes
Download file:dgw0258.mp3 (5.9 MB)

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Short info

Oregon Scientific is back with its Action Cam - an inexpensive lipstick cam perfect for recording first person sports action.

Detailed information

The second generation of the ATC-1000 (Episode 42) is now called ATC-2K
Still compatible with the optional helmet, it is a rugged camcorder which is now waterproof up to 10 feet.  Records on to SD cards.


Leo gives an English lesson on the pronunciation and etymology of the word "Wednesday".  Dick thinks Leo must be wearing his lab coat which turns him into a weird professor.

A Visit to the Gadget Warehouse

David Hutchison from Olympia, Washington listens to DGW on his iPod Shuffle and sometimes even enjoys it.  He suggests putting a health advisory for shows such as Episode 246, his favourite episode so far.  He was completely taken aback by the realisation that the warehouse was not merely virtual.  The echo chamber and squeaking hinges, which had hitherto been poorly imitated by one Leo Laporte every Friday, gave him palpitations, chest pains and shortness of breath.

ATC-2K in Rocket Launch

For a demonstration of the ATC-2K, there is none better than one done by Greg Lane, in which the Action Cam was mounted on an PML AMRAAM 4 rocket boosted by the mighty Aerotech J350 motor up to 1900 feet, when the mount got loose and the camera had a free fall, but amazingly it survived the fall (according to the account here).

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