Daily Giz Wiz 275: RCA VFP 170 video recorder

Episode 275 of the podcast

Subject: Review of RCA VFP 170 video recorder
Released:Friday 23 March 2007
Length:about 13 minutes
Download file:dgw0275.mp3 (5.8 MB)

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Short info

From the gadget warehouse, the early (and heavy) RCA VFP 170 portable VHS recorder.

Detailed information

From 1981, the RCA VFP 170 was a "convertible" VHS cassette deck that could also be connected to camera to record home videos.  It was very "portable", weighing only 11 pounds, at $1,400.  The colour camera CC010 was an optional accessory, at $1,050.

World Views

Samuel Bates finds Dick and Leo's respect for each other's world views refreshing.  Samuel has his own small warehouse and the Gadget Warehouse reminds him of the importance of keeping old technology.

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Tags: Audio Visual Camcorder

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