Daily Giz Wiz 278: Franklin Electronics USB Dictionary

Episode 278 of the podcast

Franklin Electronics USB Dictionary
Subject: Review of Franklin Electronics USB Dictionary
Released:Wednesday 28 March 2007
Length:about 14 minutes
Download file:dgw0278.mp3 (6.2 MB)

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Short info

Franklin's USB Dictionary is a USB key and a dictionary/thesaurus.

Detailed information

A USB Flash Drive from Franklin which has stored in it the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Thesaurus and other English language guides such as confusables and phonetic spellings.  About 200 MB of memory left for your own data storage.

Warning for the Letters Jingle

Randal Schwartz, the Perl expert, has taken to heart the suggestion by another listener about warning the audience of the Letters Jingle, and thinks that there should be a jingle for the Letters Jingle.

Gadget Dreamhouse

Darone suggests Dick and Leo do a Gadget Dreamhouse.  His own dream gadget is a digital picture frame which has a swivel at the back so that the frame iself will automatically rotate depending on whether the photo is portrait or landscape style.

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