Daily Giz Wiz 281: Coby TF-DVD7307 Portable DVD/CD/MP3 Player

Episode 281 of the podcast

Coby TF-DVD7307 Portable DVD/CD/MP3 Player
Subject: Review of Coby TF-DVD7307 Portable DVD/CD/MP3 Player
Released:Monday 2 April 2007
Length:about 19 minutes
Download file:dgw0281.mp3 (8.7 MB)

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Short info

At $89 the Coby TF-DVD7307 Portable DVD/CD/MP3 Player may be the cheapest portable DVD player on the market.

Detailed information

The first Coby reviewed by Dick, the DVD8500, in Episode 116, has proved to be popular.  The newer DVD7307 has a swivelling wide screen 7" LCD display, audio and video in for games or other video source, plays DVDs, CDs and MP3s, composite video out, coaxial digital audio out.

Coby has made a 2.5" portable TV, which Leo wanted to show on Regis & Kelly, but Michael Gellman the producer thought otherwise.

Automated Uploading System

Leo's automated podcast uploading system is a little buggy and he has not been using it.  So Dick is still getting emails asking, "Where is the podcast?"


Leo has heard that their sponsors have been very happy but Dick and Leo will have to wait till the new fiscal year for their comeback.

Leo's Omission

Peter Lee points out that in reviewing the Plantronics Voyager 510, Leo has forgotten to mention that the bluetooth headset can pair with 2 cellphones; it will also beep when it gets out of range of the paired cellphone.  Leo has lost his 510 during kayaking.

March '07 WTHII

It's a lollipop holder that plays music when you bite on the lollipop.  The sound waves are sent via the lollipop via teeth, up the jaw lines into the inner ears, so that only the person biting on the lolly can hear the music.  Some models have FM radio.  Dick's lollipop holder was made by Hasbro and the line of products were called Sound Bites.  Here's a CNN report on the product when it first came out in 1998.

A later incarnation was a toothbrush that plays music called Tooth Tunes.  Hasbro is not selling the Sound Bites any more but is still selling the Tooth Tunes.

Bandai from Japan had a similar idea with the lollipop called the Silent Shout.  Read about the Bandai product in the Augusta Chronicle.


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Tags: DVD Player Portable Media Player

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