Daily Giz Wiz 322: Gophersport UltraFit Anti-Burst Stability Balls

Episode 322 of the podcast

Gophersport UltraFit Anti-Burst Stability Balls
Subject: Review of Gophersport UltraFit Anti-Burst Stability Balls
Released:Tuesday 29 May 2007
Length:about 17 minutes
Download file:dgw0322.mp3 (7.9 MB)

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Short info

It's turn the tables Tuesday, and Leo reviews his new Gophersport UltraFit Anti-Burst Stability Ball.

Detailed information

During the recording of TWiT 98, the exercise ball that Leo was sitting on in the studio gave way and exploded under him, landing Leo on the floor, after use for only 10 days.  A testament to Leo's weight.

So Leo has ordered a new one, an anti-burst stability ball, from Gopher Sport.  The balls come in different sizes for different body heights.  Leo's ball seems to have held up so far, or if it hasn't, Leo wasn't about to tell us.

The Origin of the Gravy Slogan

Listener Anish (rhymes with "quiche", as Leo rhymes with "mayo", whereas Dick doesn't rhyme with any food), wants to know how the gravy slogan came about.  Dick and Leo have no idea but essentially it was a non-sequitur.  Dick thinks they have abandoned the slogan, but Leo points out that they play the gravy jingle at the end of each episode.

Netcasts You Love ...

... from people who wear kilts - courtesy of Jim CutlerMark Blasco at podcastthemes receives credit for the opening theme - the whimsical theme which acts as the background for Leo's introduction of every episode - for the first time since Episode 27.  And Leo continues to mix up George Wood with Paul Minshall.

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