Daily Giz Wiz 338: Inka Pens

Episode 338 of the podcast

Inka Pens
Subject: Review of Inka Pens
Released:Wednesday 20 June 2007
Length:about 10 minutes
Download file:dgw0338.mp3 (4.5 MB)

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Short info

You'll never lose Inka Pens.

Detailed information

Watertight pressurised pen that writes wet or dry at any angle, temperature and altitude, and alternates as a PDA stylus.
Dick likes it so much that the folks at Write Anywhere have suggested making them in bulk for Dick with the GizWiz logo.

The Toothpick Bird Finds A Home, Finally ...

Jacob from Ohio recently became the proud foster parent of the orphaned Toothpick Bird when he picked it up at the More Archie McPhee Store in Seattle.

Dr. Enuf

After recommending the über-kitsch Toothpick Bird, Leo takes a new direction and recommends the über-energy drink Dr.Enuf.

Dick on "The Digital Home"

Dick is the first guest intereviewed on the new "The Digital Home Interview Series" blog on CNet by Don Reisinger.  The interview is published on CNet today.

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