Daily Giz Wiz 346: My Weigh Digital Scale

Episode 346 of the podcast

My Weigh Digital Scale
Subject: Review of My Weigh Digital Scale
Released:Monday 2 July 2007
Length:about 21 minutes
Download file:dgw0346.mp3 (9.8 MB)

Listen to the episode

Short info

Do your own shipping? Save money with the My Weigh Digital Scale from Will Knott Scales!

Detailed information

This My Weigh model has a 55 pounds capacity, digital display, extendable remote readout, TARE "zero-set".  Available from Old Will Knot.  Dick has bought one for himself to weigh up the packages he has sent for fulfilling the GizWiz Caps orders.

New Jingle !!!

To avoid Leo bursting into song again while Dick answers the door (Episode 337),  Paul Minshall has shown mercy upon us and composed a new jingle for DGW - the Wait-For-Dick /When-The-Doorbell-Rings jingle for times when Dick has to answer the door for his UPS gadget deliveries.  Paul also composed the DGW closing theme - the gravy jingle.

George Wood receives credit for the Letters Jingle and the TTTT jingle,  Mark Blasco at Podcastthemes for composing the DGW opening theme - the one which sets the whimsical tone of this podcast.

Great themes and jingles!  All third-party contributions of course.

Do you know?

How much does your soul weigh?  Leo has an answer.

High Tea

Dick was taken to high tea at Sutton Place by a certain important figure in British Columbia.  Guess who?

Great Savings

Listener Michael Skoda says that DGW has saved him $4,000 a year. How?

Coming Soon

Leo will be doing yet another weekly podcast, on Geek Food.

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