Daily Giz Wiz 351: Pocket Dresser

Episode 351 of the podcast

Pocket Dresser
Subject: Review of Pocket Dresser
Released:Monday 9 July 2007
Length:about 16 minutes
Download file:dgw0351.mp3 (7.3 MB)

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Short info

Know someone who has trouble with buttons and zippers? Try the Pocket Dresser.

Detailed information

A gem of an invention.  It looks like a Swiss Army knife but has very different functions.  Ideal for people with arthritic fingers, it makes buttoning up or unbuttoning your clothes extremely easy.  The arms are made for buttons of different sizes.  The zipper pick acts as a pull but also as a tool to pry out buried zipper tabs and undo knotted shoelaces.
Watch the demo video to see how it really works.

Naggy 911

The fan base of DGW includes Mad's parody victims.  Nanny Deb (as Nanny Dread in Mad's take-off on Nanny 911 in the March '07 issue) is proud to be the last nanny standing in Dick's sketch.

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