Daily Giz Wiz 370: Junghans Atomic Clock

Episode 370 of the podcast

Junghans Atomic Clock
Subject: Review of Junghans Atomic Clock
Released:Friday 3 August 2007
Length:about 13 minutes
Download file:dgw0370.mp3 (6.2 MB)

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Short info

From the Gadget Warehouse: the first atomic clock from Junghans...

Detailed information

From 1985, one of the world's first radio-controlled clocks made by Junghans.  The one Dick has still works.  Now Junghans makes atomic clocks.

Did you know?

The timing of the Jingle Singers is synchronised to a Caesium-139 atom buried deep inside the Earth.


Leo explains how he used to dial popcorn to get the time, which he first mentioned in Episode 173.

Odd Lots

A listener, Gorkon, wrote in to tell Dick that Odd Lots (Episode 350) is now known as Big Lots, which also owns KB Toys.

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