Daily Giz Wiz 425: EZ-Swany Stick Chair Cart

Episode 425 of the podcast

EZ-Swany Stick Chair Cart
Subject: Review of EZ-Swany Stick Chair Cart
Released:Friday 19 October 2007
Length:about 13 minutes
Download file:dgw0425.mp3 (5.8 MB)

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Detailed information

A suitcase with many names, Swany or EZ Swany Smart Cart, Walkin'Bag, with Seat, Chair, or Stick Chair.  It rolls on 4 independent swivel wheels with a fold-out seat at the back for you to sit on while you are waiting around to board the flight or at the luggage carousel.

The telescoping handles are made of commercial grade aluminium, the bag is Teflon-coated to protect it from stains, the frames are made with material that can withstand a pressure rating of 188 pounds, while the chair can support a weight of 300 pounds.  The cart dimensions are 21"x12"x8", within the limits of carry-on luggage, and the bag itself is 17"x11"x7".

The Japanese inventor Mr Miyoshi is a polio survivor himself and has designed the Smart Cart to make it easy to trundle along, with something to lean or sit on.

It's still available, and Magellan's, the travel supplies specialist, seems to stock 3 different sizes.

Happy Birthday, Dick

David Gross from Blackpool, England, who met the Dyson Airblade in Eden (Episode 417), has set a reminder in his Windows Mobile calendar to wish a happy birthday for 19th October to Dick, who brings "a smile to our lives," says Leo.

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