Daily Giz Wiz 461: InfoSafe External Slim USB 2.0 DVD Burner

Episode 461 of the podcast

InfoSafe External Slim USB 2.0 DVD Burner
Subject: Review of InfoSafe External Slim USB 2.0 DVD Burner
Released:Monday 10 December 2007
Length:about 23 minutes
Download file:dgw0461.mp3 (10.4 MB)

Listen to the episode

Short info

Add a slimline dual-layer DVD burner to your system with the InfoSafe External Slim USB 2.0 DVD Burner.

Detailed information

A slim external USB2 DVD burner (6.5" x 5.31" x 0.91", and just over 12 oz) for carrying around.  The USB2 enclosure contains a Panasonic DVD drive which can write DVD-RAM at 5x, DVD+RW at 8x, DVD-RW at 6x, and dual layer DVD+/-RW at 4x.  It can be powered via USB for CD-DVD-ROM use and comes with an AC adapter for burning.  It comes with Nero 7 Essentials burning software.  Leo is buying one from Amazon, for his Asus Eee PC.

Fibre Optic Christmas Tree contd ...

Dick finishes the story about his Christmas Tree, which has something to do with a film starring Colin Farrell, about cops and family honour, which has not been released.  From Dick's description, it might be Pride and Glory, which is due for release next year.  The cast includes Edward Norton, Jon Voight and Jennifer Ehle.  Look out for Dick's boat in it.

Gadget Rant

Dave Sanders writes in.  His wife's iPod battery died recently, which got him into a rant.


When Dick wants to check on a new episode of DGW, he uses Ludwik Trammer's GizWizSearch.

GizWizBiz Gadgets

Dick has made a video of his "holiday greeting" at YouTube.  Some new GizWizBiz gadgets seem to be on the way, along with the GizWizBiz Cap which is making a comeback.  Details have not appeared on Dick's site yet.

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