Daily Giz Wiz 472: Amazon Kindle

Episode 472 of the podcast

Amazon Kindle
Subject: Review of Amazon Kindle
Released:Tuesday 1 January 2008
Length:about 23 minutes
Download file:dgw0472.mp3 (10.3 MB)

Listen to the episode

Short info

It's T.T.T.T-Two Thousand Eight and Leo rings in the new year with the amazin' Amazon Kindle. Also, see Ludwik Trammer's new and improved Giz Wiz search engine at http://gizwizsearch.int.pl/.

Detailed information

On New Year's Day, Leo finally reviews the Kindle (which Leo first mentioned in Episode 437).  It uses the same e-ink as the Sony Reader (Episode 437), and suffers the same problems such as the greyish background and the page-turning "flash".  The design and the case are not as slick as the Sony, and the keyboard and buttons add to the size of the device, but the keyboard allows you enter searches to buy books or enter queries, via Sprint's EVDO wireless service which comes free with the Kindle.  You can download books and other subscriptions (such as newspapers, magazines and blogs) via EVDO, without a computer, although it does add to the battery usage.  The prices of books are generally cheaper than those on Sony.  You can also have documents sent to the Kindle in the Mobi format (10 cents for wireless download, or free via a computer).

Security Now! listeners will have heard that Steve Gibson, a keen reader of ebooks, has written a review on the Kindle.  If you haven't read it, click here.

Goodbye to Festive Jingle

Dick and Leo play the Festive Letters Jingle for the last time this season.


Ludwik Trammer from Poland has updated his site for DGW (for quite some time now), which makes searching for the episodes/products you want even easier.  Just put in the episode number in the search box, or start typing the gadget name or manufacturer's name, and Ludwik will autocomplete for you.  For more on Ludwik, check out http://www.ludwik.trammer.pl/, or see the blog entry on Episode 407.  Inevitably, Dick and Leo still think he's a 17-year-old school boy.

Episode 500 ...

... is approaching.  Dick and Leo are still thinking what they, or Dick, should do to celebrate it.

GizWizBiz Cap 2008

An all new GizWizBiz Cap for 2008 will be ready soon.  Watch out for availability on Dick's website.

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