Daily Giz Wiz 495: TriggerAlarm Trigger Locks

Episode 495 of the podcast

TriggerAlarm Trigger Locks
Subject: Review of TriggerAlarm Trigger Locks
Released:Friday 1 February 2008
Length:about 12 minutes
Download file:dgw0495.mp3 (5.3 MB)

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Short info

From the Gadget Warehouse: TriggerAlarm Trigger Locks.

Detailed information

A product from Firearm Safety Products Inc, TriggerAlarm was a gun trigger lock to protect children from firearms.  You would need to put in a combination code to open it, and if anyone tried to tamper with the lock, it would sound an alarm.  Ten of them are still available at an auction at GunBroker.com.

And if you're into big gadgets, such as armoured vehicles, the same seller is auctioning off a British Ferret.

Cool Whip

Girl Geek writes in about a Cool Whip jingle from about 30 years ago.  Dick and Leo can't remember talking about the Cool Whip, but conclude that they must have, since they've talked just about anything else.  Listen to Episode 444 for their previous reference to Cool Whip.

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