Daily Giz Wiz 509: Newertech Bass Response Earbuds

Episode 509 of the podcast

Newertech Bass Response Earbuds
Subject: Review of Newertech Bass Response Earbuds
Released:Thursday 21 February 2008
Length:about 14 minutes
Download file:dgw0509.mp3 (6.2 MB)

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Dick listens to the Daily Giz Wiz using his Newertech Bass Response Earbuds.

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1 comment
The 3rd product from Newertech on DGW, after the USB2 Universal Drive Adaptor (Episode 267) and the NuPower Video+ (Episode 299).  This time, it's the Bass Response Earbuds, with insert-Passive Noise Reduction engineering which reduces noise an average of 42dB while boosting the audio soundtrack up to 10dB at higher frequencies.  Very decent sound for the price.

It's Thursday the 21st

Leo gets the day of the week right today, but gets the date wrong in the opening intro.  It's 21st February, not 22nd.  Thanks to Trey Hanson for pointing this out.


A little English lesson from listener Ian Lumsden from Wisconsin, Dick and Leo, on words and phrases such as the acoustic guitar (after the electric guitar was invented) and the dial telephone (after the advent of the number pad).

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