Daily Giz Wiz 570: IBM Microdrive

Episode 570 of the podcast

IBM Microdrive
Subject: Review of IBM Microdrive
Released:Friday 16 May 2008
Length:about 13 minutes
Download file:dgw0570.mp3 (6 MB)

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Short info

From the Gadget Warehouse: IBM Microdrive.

Detailed information

Released in 1999, the IBM Microdrive fit into a Compact Flash Type II card slot, but was actually a hard drive, the world's smallest hard drive.  When first released, IBM offered 2 capacities, 170MB and 340MB, which in those days were massive for portable storage of that size.  IBM's recommended retail price for the 340MB Microdrive kit, including a PC card adapter and a field case, was $499.

Stop the Jokes

Norwegian Stian Kristiansen is recovering from a hernia operation and begs Dick and Leo to stop the funny business.  And no Mad Magazine please.

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