Daily Giz Wiz 587: Brother P-Touch QL-500

Episode 587 of the podcast

Brother P-Touch QL-500
Subject: Review of Brother P-Touch QL-500
Released:Tuesday 10 June 2008
Length:about 15 minutes
Download file:dgw0587.mp3 (7 MB)

Listen to the episode

Short info

Print labels with ease with the inkless 300 dpi Brother P-Touch QL-500 label printer.

Detailed information

The Brother P-Touch QL500 is a USB label printer which prints a wide variety of labels.  About the size of a Roladex, it can print up to 300 x 300 dpi, 2.4" wide labels, barcodes, date and time stamping, and supports Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook Address Book.  It comes with its own software too which supports both Windows and Mac.

Leo likes it so much he's bought 3 of them.

Savage Chickens

Back in Episode 567, Leo promised he would talk about a Spork Cartoon, and now he does.  Listener Gordon Moul has drawn his attention to Doug Savage's cartoon, a family tree for the Spork.

Here's the link to the cartoon, on SavageChickens.com: all about foon, foodle and sporkula.

Inside the GizWizSearch

GizWizSearch (Ludwik Trammer) and InsideDGW have formed a partnership to enable search for InsideDGW content on GizWizSearch in the latter's advanced search features.  Leo reads out part of the press release, and here's the full text (pardon my inflated ego):

    WASHINGTON DC and WARSAW, Poland - 28 May 2008: InsideDGW.vox.com and GizWizSearch.int.pl, two leading Daily Giz Wiz content and services providers, today announced an unprecedented partnership to bring users easier and faster access to current information about the Daily Giz Wiz Netcasts. Starting today full InsideDGW show notes for a given episode will be available for everyone right on the GizWizSearch episode summary page. InsideDGW show notes are legendary for their accuracy, insight, and for providing everything you don't need or care to know about the Daily Giz Wiz Netcast.

    "Here at InsideDGW we strongly believe that what's good for us is good for the rest of the world. We are happy to bring our quality content to readers of GizWizSearch," says the founder of the InsideDGW website, codename George. "As a result of this new synergy, we fully expect our readership at InsideDGW to expand to the entire audience base of the Daily Giz Wiz Netcast, recently and optimistically estimated to be 6.  That will mean a triple growth in our readership numbers. Thanks to us, Dick and Leo may finally become famous."

    The two websites, widely considered to be the best in the fast growing Daily Giz Wiz market, have been in talks for about six months. "We want to quash those rumors out there of any competitive ill-feeling between us," says George. "Ludwik is a wonderful personality and is very clever with his fancy computer programming and what not, and deserves all the attention.  Here at InsideDGW, we make a very modest contribution.  It's called real work."

    When the engineering work finally began it took programmers from GizWizSearch nearly five hours of hard work to write a piece of software that would import content from insidedgw.vox.com and reformat it to better integrate with the site's look and feel.

    "When the summer season started we were able to get new source supplying us with additional daylight, bringing more energy to the company. That's why we are able to bring our users a series of new exciting features, this being the first one" - says Ludwik Trammer, the 21-year-old founder of GizWizSearch.int.pl - "besides, I felt it would be a great way to try to plug my twitter on the show. Which, by the way, is twitter.com/ludwiktrammer".

    The feature both parties are most excited about is the search within InsideDGW content, available in GizWizSearch's Advanced Search options. "Using this one I was able to find out that I was mentioned in at least 16 different episodes, including 364, 472, 572, 563, 554, 549, 546, 527, 526, 519, 471, 461, 418, 410, 408 and 407. It was as easy as checking "search in insidedgw.vox.com posts" and typing my name" - Trammer explains.

    Both sites are looking for ways to expand their collaboration in the future, and are confident that they are edging ever closer to their common dream of a multi-million-dollar buyout deal.

    InsideDGW is the leading provider of Daily Giz Wiz information, including episode summaries, photos, videos, links, errata and "this-joke-was-already-told-in-these-ten-previous-episodes" Giz Wiz erudition. Founded in June 2007 by an enigmatic figure, previously suggested to be linked with the American government. For more information visit insidedgw.vox.com.

    Founded 12 July 2007 as "Daily Giz Wiz Automatic Feed Generator", the site constantly expands providing the Daily Giz Wiz community the best services on the market, including an iPhone Application, Firefox search plugin, various statistics, and many different search capabilities. For more information visit www.gizwizsearch.int.pl

    InsideDGW contact:
    Codename George

    GizWizSearch contact:
    Ludwik Trammer

More from Ludwik

Ludwik's next project is Time Travel, or ought to be, if Leo can have his way.  In the meantime, he's working on GizWizSearch 3.0, codename "The Social".  Nothing to do with the Zune, I assume.

... and More, More, More

There are plenty of others who have contributed to the show.  Here are some of them:

The Theme and Jingle Writers: Paul Minshall, George Wood, Dan Lueders

DGW Access Providers: Collins, who made the DGW Looker-Upper-Listener; Darcy Fiander who made the Toothpick Bird Random Pick for the iPhone.

Finally, President and BizDev Guy of TWiT with special responsiblity for editing DGW, Dane Golden at InsideTWiT.

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