Daily Giz Wiz 594: Firebell Alarm Clock

Episode 594 of the podcast

Firebell Alarm Clock
Subject: Review of Firebell Alarm Clock
Released:Thursday 19 June 2008
Length:about 9 minutes
Download file:dgw0594.mp3 (4.3 MB)

Listen to the episode

Short info

Use the Firebell Alarm Clock to help you jump out of bed and get to work.

Detailed information

The Firebell Alarm Clock is shaped like a firebell, and works like an alarm clock.  Standing at 7" tall, it has the usual alarm clock features.

It has 3 modes: Alarm, Snooze, and Off.  In Alarm mode, pressing the big silver button will stop the alarm completely (while turning on the backlight on the LCD screen).  In Snooze mode, pressing the silver button will stop the alarm temporarily, which will resound every 8 minutes.  You need to turn the clock to Off mode (button at the top) to stop the alarm completely.  Available from many sellers, including VAT19.

You Are Here

VAT19 also sells the "You Are Here" Doormat.  It is made from 100% recycled truck tyres and nylon flocking, measuring 24" in diameter.  Highly durable.  Also available from Perpetual Kid.

The Jingle Singers on Music Video

Aaron Radford happened upon Dick and Leo recording DGW on TWiTLive the other day, and thought it would really make his day if he could see the Jingle Singers appear on TWiTLive.  It was not to be.  Give those ladies their minite of fame, please!

Aaron's request comes at an opportune moment, and Leo obliges.  He has located the link to a recently made music video of the Jingle Singers, and played it no TWiTLive.  For those who were not able to watch TWiTLive in the middle of the day, here is the video, made by Ed Ross.

[If the video stutters the first time, playing it again should give you a smoother playback, after it has been loaded into memory.]

This deftly selected and perfectly sync'ed video has been created by Ed Ross, who has taken the trouble to give me access to the great video, and the sources from which he compiled it.  The original video is an excerpt from "Jiveroo" by Harry Day and Della with the June Taylor Girls, at http://www.archive.org/details/soundie_11.  The envelope at the end of the video is from Wikimedia at http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Envelope_-_Boonville_Address-000.jpg.

Incidentally, with Dick and Leo's numerous references to past showbiz names, it should come as no surprise to anyone that they have previously referred to the June Taylor Girls, in Episode 394 and 396.

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