Daily Giz Wiz 601: Philips SpotOn

Episode 601 of the podcast

Philips SpotOn
Subject: Review of Philips SpotOn
Released:Monday 30 June 2008
Length:about 19 minutes
Download file:dgw0601.mp3 (8.9 MB)

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Short info

Light up your life on less energy with the Philips SpotOn LED Motion Sensing Portable Light.

Detailed information

Operating on 3 AA batteries, the SpotOn from Philips is a free-standing (no installation required) LED light with a motion sensor which turns itself on when motion is detected.  Particularly useful for lighting up cupboards and closets when the doors are opened.


Dick and Leo thank Kim and Robin from Wild Planet for turning up for GizWizLive in their elf costumes (a feat they repeated in New York when visiting the Mad Office), and giving them a 600th anniversary cake and a TWiTLive Spork Clock to Leo.  For details of GizWizLive, see the blog post for Episode 596.  DGW listeners who could not watch GizWizLive, including Jeff Coddle, have asked Dick if the video will one day be available.  Leo has the video but at present does not have a channel for distributing the video.  One day it will come.

Upcoming New Sponsors

After Leo's recent visit to Audible's headquarters at Newark (during which Leo recorded an audible children's book "Little Golden Riding Hood"), Audible is going to return on DGW as a sponsor next month.  So will Visa.  As Leo explains, donations from the audience are applied towards TWiT overheads while only sponsorship money is shared among the TWiT hosts.

DGW Disclaimer

Thanks to Dan Lueders's recent prolific output, DGW will have a Thursday Theme, and a Disclaimer (which Leo plays at the end of today's show).  The musical portion for the Disclaimer is a reprise of part of Dan Lueders's earlier Gravy Jingle Submission which was lost and found, and finally played in Episodes 313 and 314.

Confounding a Jury

Kevin Selle from Dallas, Texas (previous letters in Episodes 428, 551) was called upon for jury service and went prepared with his iPod loaded with DGWs.  While the jury panel were waiting, he learned about the Plantronics Discovery 925 in Episode 597.  When he got to the UroClub, Episode 598, he started convulsing in laughter and tears in the company of his potential fellow jurymen.  Leo warns us about the dangers of listening to DGW, with a little help from Dan Lueders.

To learn about the most severe side-effect of DGW so far, see Episode 188.

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