Daily Giz Wiz 610: Mother Nature's Monitor

Episode 610 of the podcast

Mother Nature's Monitor
Subject: Review of Mother Nature's Monitor
Released:Friday 11 July 2008
Length:about 22 minutes
Download file:dgw0610.mp3 (10 MB)

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Short info

From the Gadget Warehouse: Mother Nature's Monitor.

Detailed information

At least 10 years old, Mother Nature's Monitor is a monitor for your birds.  You hang the device under the bird feeder in your backyard, and it will transmit the birdsong (or just the sounds of nature) via an FM transmitter to your stereo.

A Euphemism for Leo's Gadgets

Stan Young writes in to say that Leo's gadgets are often referred to as crap.  He prefers to call them cool, radical awsome products.

A Bizarre Pitch Letter

Dick also writes for the Powerboat Magazine.  A PR company has a brilliant idea for an article in the Powerboat Magazine for Dick.  He should write about their product - Nuts.  Leo has received a piece of software (a Photoshop plugin) for review, and every 3 days, he gets a letter from the PR people asking him if he's reviewed it yet.

WTHII June '08

Courtesy of listener Adrian, the June 2008 WTHII gadget is not a spork tine adjustment tool, nor a gold hole maker for hamsters, but a Candle Carver.

Match Game on TBS

Leo asks Dick again about the new Match Game on TBS (previously discussed in Episode 605).  It's probably going to be too adult for Dick.  When you get such infantile humour on DGW, who needs adult?

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Tags: Radio

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