Daily Giz Wiz 615: ChatterBug

Episode 615 of the podcast

Subject: Review of ChatterBug
Released:Friday 18 July 2008
Length:about 17 minutes
Download file:dgw0615.mp3 (8 MB)

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Short info

From the Gadget Warehouse: ChatterBug

Detailed information

A fairly recent gadget from the Gadget Warehouse, the Chatterbug hails from 2006.  It was a VoIP device which you connect between your home telephone and the land line, and when you dialed a long distance number, it would route the call via Chatterbug's computer network.  You didn't need a computer to do it, but paid $9.95 a month for US and Canada calls.

Another Birthday

Steve Weiner has been listening to DGW since Episode 1.  He watched GizWizLive on 20 June 2008, and noted that Dick and Leo should have realised that the day had a further significance.  It was the 66th birthday of Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys.

Roz Rows

Dick thinks Roz Savage is very brave to row across the Pacific, when sailing from Miami to the Bahamas was dangerous enough for him.

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