Daily Giz Wiz 649: Maxtor Central Axis 1TB Drive

Episode 649 of the podcast

Maxtor Central Axis 1TB Drive
Subject: Review of Maxtor Central Axis 1TB Drive
Released:Thursday 4 September 2008
Length:about 20 minutes
Download file:dgw0649.mp3 (9 MB)

Listen to the episode

Short info

Automatically back up each computer on your network wirelessly with the Maxtor Central Axis.

Detailed information

The CentralAxis is a network attached storage (with a 1TB, 7,200 rpm, 16MB buffer Maxtor hard drive).  Gigabit ethernet enabled, it plugs into your router, and it will configure itself to the network.  It automatically backs up the computers on your home network.  It comes with the Maxtor Management software which enables you to drag files to the CentralAxis, and it will sort the files into appropriate shared folders for you (Drag and Sort).  SimpleView lets you view the contents on the TB hard drive easily.  You can use it as a media server for your home network, and can stream media to any UPnP AV-compatible entertainment systems without turning on a computer.  Mac and PC compatible.

It also has 2 USB ports for connection to printers or additional external hard drives.

Dick's Sleeping Habits

Dick is a late sleeper but does get to bed by 4 a.m.

Hilarity from Ludwik

Another feed from Ludwik.  Apart from the daily feed and the all-episodes download feed, the new "all week long" RSS feed gives you the Saturday and Sunday episodes feed - with the opening and closing themes, plus the Show-Free Saturday theme, and Sleeping-In Sunday theme respectively - that is, the best of DGW.  Check out the feeds at gizwizsearch.  Ludwik is waiting for a Ludwik theme, and Leo improvises on the lyrics:

He's Polish and he's crazy
He likes to write but he's lazy
He wants to download every daisy
Just Ludwik Trammer-ly ...

And Ludwik notes that Episode 634 on the Lexmark All-in-one is the longest episode so far, and the first one over 30 minutes.  Meanwhile, you can follow Ludwik on Twitter, and he's just Ludwik on Leo's new TWiT Army Laconica service.  If you want to know more about the origin of the TWiT Army Laconica service, check out Episode 37 of Floss Weekly.

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Tags: Backup Computer Accessory Data Storage

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