Daily Giz Wiz 667: ThermalTake BlacX

Episode 667 of the podcast

ThermalTake BlacX
Subject: Review of ThermalTake BlacX
Released:Tuesday 30 September 2008
Length:about 14 minutes
Download file:dgw0667.mp3 (6.3 MB)

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Short info

Backup your extensive video production with the Thermaltake BlacX.

Detailed information

Having mercilessly mocked Dick's recommendation of the CompUSA External HDD Enclosure in Episode 67, Leo suffered the embarrassment of not only having the original recording of that episode itself accidentally erased, but also having one or more of his web servers died on him, once in October 2006 (see Episode 179 and his blog post for Friday 13th 2006), and more recently on 19 September 2008 (see his recent blog post).  Both occasions on a Friday.  The first time it was a hard drive failure, and recently, it was a RAID 5 controller failure, with loss of certain data which had not been backed up.  This was despite his constant reminders to his audience to back up, on his radio show.  By the way, the GizWizLive video has been lost (which had nothing to do with the RAID 5 controller failure).

Will Leo learn his lesson?  Let's hope that today's TTTT gadget will help him do so.  The Thermaltake Blacx SATA HDD Docking Station has a function similar to the common external hdd enclosure, or a previous TTTT gadget the NewerTech Universal Drive Adapter (Episode 267).  The major difference is, it is even more convenient.  You just slide the HDD into the slot of the docking station (SATA connection facing down), as you would a slice of bread into a toaster, and connect the dock to the computer via USB or eSATA.  Leo has the model ST0005U which has both forms of connections (the latter enabling full SATA speed), while the other Blacx models N0028USU and N0029USU only have a USB connection (the latter working as a USB hub as well).  Ideal for people who have a number of external HDDs to work with constantly.  Works with both 2.5" and 3.5" SATA hdds.

Another Small Car

Leo finally has a letter to read.  Regular correspondent Mark Sukoenig tells Leo that user satisfaction for the Smart Car has not been great, and reminds Leo of an even smaller car in the 1950's, the BMW Isetta, with a link to a YouTube video.

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