Daily Giz Wiz 681: The Warmmi Mouse

Episode 681 of the podcast

The Warmmi Mouse
Subject: Review of The Warmmi Mouse
Released:Monday 20 October 2008
Length:about 21 minutes
Download file:dgw0681.mp3 (9.7 MB)

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Short info

Keep your hand warm in winter with the USB Warmmi Mouse.

Detailed information

For the summer, Dick has the Flexii USB Mouse which has a fan for cooling (Episode 646).  The winter equivalent is the Warmmi USB Heating Mouse, also available from vavolo.com.  USB-powered, it uses infrared rays to warm up your mouse-operating hand in winter - up to 45°C.  There is an on/off button on the USB wire to turn the heat off when you don't need the heating.

Live Audience

During this week's taping, Leo has in the studio a live audience - of one - Barbara.

Buzzers Old and New

Leo has a buzzer ready for the studio audience's reactions to Dick's jokes, but William Castle, maker of low budget horror thrillers, had selected seats in cinemas wired up with buzzers for his film "The Tingler", to give the audience a jolt.  Read about the Tingler on Wikipedia, or imdb.

Mad Study Group

Rick the Vegas Cabbie as a teenager used to go to a friend's home to read the Mad Magazine, all 15 of them.  He wants to thank Dick, Al Jaffee, Bill Gaines and the Usual Gang of Idiots for giving him a good time.

The Vegas Cabbie has driven Leo, Dick and Amber MacArthur in Las Vegas, and put them on videos, which you can find on YouTube.  Links to Dick's video can be found in Episode 492.  Leo's video (Part 1) can be found here, and Amber's here.

Dots Gloves

The Chatroom has found some gloves for Leo, in case he hasn't got something for tomorrow's TTTT.  Dots Gloves - gloves with tips compatible with the iPhone touch screen.

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