Daily Giz Wiz 745: Kodak APS Cameras

Episode 745 of the podcast

Kodak APS Cameras
Subject: Review of Kodak APS Cameras
Released:Friday 16 January 2009
Length:about 22 minutes
Download file:dgw0745.mp3 (10.2 MB)

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Short info

From the Gadget Warehouse: Kodak's APS

Detailed information

Kodak and other camera companies joined forces in 1991 to develop the Advanced Photo System (APS), which was introduced at PMA in Las Vegas in 1996.  It was intended as an alternative to or replacement of the conventional 135 film format.  APS film was 24mm wide, compared to 35mm of the 135 format, and the surface area was only 56% of 135 film.  It offered 3 aspect ratios - C type (Classic, conventional 3:2 aspect ratio), H type (HDTV, 16:9), and P type (Panoramic, 3:1).  Consumers could choose an aspect ratio for individual films on the same cartridge.  It also offered Magnetic Information Exchange which could record exposure information, date and time and other personalised information on a magnetic coating, which could be printed on to the backs of photographs.

The film cartridges manufactured by Kodak were marketed as Advantix Film.  In January 2004, Kodak announced that it would stop selling APS cameras.

Polaroid at CES 2009

Speaking of old-timers, Polaroid announced a digital camera at CES, the Polaroid PoGo Instant Digital Camera.  It's a camera and a PoGo Printer (Episode 683) in one.  Little is known about the specs of the camera itself (apart from the PoGo printer capability).  It seems Polaroid is still hanging on to the idea of instant prints.

Getting Smug

Steve Miller thanks Dick and Leo (especially Leo) for introducing him to SmugMug to which he has moved from Flickr.  Now he is putting his old pictures and slides on to SmugMug.

All Things Obama

Mad has just had its 3rd Obama cover out, while the previous two are selling on eBay.  Leo has been invited to the inauguration ceremony for his campaign contribution, along with the rest of the public, and has been invited to buy all the official Obama merchandise.

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