Daily Giz Wiz 750: 1985 Panasonic TravelVision

Episode 750 of the podcast

1985 Panasonic TravelVision
Subject: Review of 1985 Panasonic TravelVision
Released:Friday 23 January 2009
Length:about 18 minutes
Download file:dgw0750.mp3 (8.5 MB)

Listen to the episode

Short info

From the Gadget Warehouse: The 1985 Panasonic TravelVision.

Detailed information

Panasonic Travelvision TR-1030
Portable Television Set

Link: A Short History of Pocket TV

From 1984, Panasonic released this Travelvision TR-1030 in Japan, selling for ¥29,800 (which was worth about US$125, according to Wikipedia's historical exhange rate of the Yen).  It was a black and white portable television set. Its dimensions were about 3" wide, 1.5" high, and 6" deep, with a 1.5" screen.  There was also a 1.3x magnifying lens add-on which increased the screen to about 2".  Panasonic started with the model TR-1010 in 1981, and Dick got his model in 1985.  It was still using a CRT for display, and was then the world's smallest CRT TV.

Digital TV Era

With the imminent conversion to digital TV, these old analogue portable TVs are not going to work, although you can get a Winegard portable battery pack for one of their digital TV converters.  For details, go back to Episode 675.

Gadget Warehouse in 2020

Ken Ronckavitz heard Leo surmise that they would still be doing podcasts in 2020.  Ken suggests that they can do that now.  Just pick any current gadget, laugh about it and they will have all the Gadget Warehouse podcasts they need for 2020.

An Unrelated Thought

Ken started listening to some of the old shows and heard the old Visa ads.  He thinks Leo should remind the sponsors that their ads keep on getting new listeners.  Leo knows that only too well, but sadly sponsors only pay for downloads in the first 3 months, and only for those in the US (when 30% of TWiT's audience are from outside the US).

DGW 747th Episode Commemorative Button

Dick has posted the DGW "Future of TWiT" Button (see Episode 747) and the Inauguration Avatar on his website.  You can't buy the Button, but you can buy GizWizBiz Caps with LED lights from Dick.

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