Daily Giz Wiz 761: Neverlate Executive Alarm

Episode 761 of the podcast

Neverlate Executive Alarm
Subject: Review of Neverlate Executive Alarm
Released:Monday 9 February 2009
Length:about 14 minutes
Download file:dgw0761.mp3 (6.3 MB)

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Short info

Guide your sleep with the his and hers alarm, nap timer, USB mp3 player-compatible Neverlate Executive Alarm.

Detailed information

Listener Dan McCormick, who suggested the Multi-Colour LED Light Bulb with Remote Control (also carried by Think Geek) in Episode 704, wonders if Dick, who did the original Neverlate 7-Day Alarm Clock in Episode 421, knows that there is a new upgrade model of the Neverlate clock.  Does Dick know?

"Dan, Dan Dan," sighs Dick, "what do you think this is, sitting on my shelf right here?".  "Who do you take us for, complete amateurs?" Leo chips in.

The original Neverlate clock features a 7-day alarm schedule (different alarm time for each day).  The new Neverlate  Executive Alarm Clock, retaining the same 5" cube body design, can best be summarised as a 2x 7-Day Alarm Clock, as it allows you to set two 7-day alarm schedules, for you and your significant other.  Plus 7 extra independently configurable alarms in addition to the two banks of 7-day alarms.  The alarms can be set as one of 4 buzzers and 20 preset FM/AM radio stations.  You can also use the clock as speakers and charger for your MP3 Player via the USB port, too.  The best feature for Dick remains the nap timer fuction - one of his all-time favourites was the Westclox Nap Timer (Episode 40).

Power Needs

Dick has heard about the power cut during the ice storm in Kentucky and thinks the folks there could do with his Honda Super Quiet Generator (Episode 69).

In the Year 2020

Dick and Leo talked about doing podasts in 2020 (in Episode 750), and Tobias Robinson has some gadget suggestions, including 4D glasses and the morphing Smart Spork.

A Riddle from Leo

"What gets wetter as you get drier?" Leo asks, hoping to stump Dick.  "Leo, Leo, Leo.  Who do you take me for, a complete amateur?" - should have been Dick's riposte.  Instead, he quips, "A sponge?"

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