Daily Giz Wiz 778: Uncle Milton Force Trainer

Episode 778 of the podcast

Uncle Milton Force Trainer
Subject: Review of Uncle Milton Force Trainer
Released:Wednesday 4 March 2009
Length:about 20 minutes
Download file:dgw0778.mp3 (9.3 MB)

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Short info

Feel the force with the electroencephalography-guided Uncle Milton's Force Trainer and the Mattel Mindflex Brain.

Detailed information

More from the Toy FairThe Force Trainer from Uncle Milton consists of a wireless headset which reads your brain waves through dry sensor technology to detemine the level of focus or concentration.  The data is sent wirelessly to the main unit at the base of which is a fan.  The higher your concentration, the stronger "the Force", and the stronger the power of the fan, which will send the ball (or Training Sphere) higher up the cylinder.

Mattel's Mind Flex works in a similar way.  The setup is a little more complicated in that you are supposed to levitate the ball to different heights and sideways through an obstacle course (with the help of a control knob).  Both games use a form of EEG (electroencephalogram, as Leo explains).  The Force Trainer measures the alpha, beta, gamma and delta brian waves and uses an algorithm to interpret the data to arrive at your level of concentration, while the Mind Flex measures your theta brain waves to arrive at your degree of focus.

To see Dick trying out the Mind Flex at the Toy Fair, watch the ABC World New Now video: Toy Fair Extra.

Taking Failure To Heart

Dick and Leo are still smarting from the letter yesterday complaining about their singing (or at least Leo's).  As performers, they take any suggestion of failure to heart.  They're not singing today's jingle.

TWiT Dependants

Dick wonders if he can get 0.1% of the TWiT audience as dependants for tax deductions.

Customs Regulations

Ernest Bergstrom, 63, has been a MAD fan since forever and thanks Dick for all the laughs.  About Dick's parcel to Ludwik in Poland (see Episode 773), Ernest remarks that Dick and Ludwik have been lucky.  The Customs Regulations provide that you may not send printed matter of any kind.

The Ultimate Ludwik Package

Apart from taking failure to heart, Dick has also taken Leo's suggestion in Episode 773 to heart.  Dick has created "The Ultimate Ludwik Package", on sale at GizWizShopping.  The package contains the following GizWizBiz items: the LED Cap, the Ice Cube, the Lighted Folding Pen, the Cliphanger, the USB Smart Button, something new called the Mini-Strobe, and an autographed copy of MAD.  Since there are only 6 Ice Cubes left, only 6 of these packages are available, for just under $50 (with a saving of $24).


Leo has a "Leo Laporte Beanie Baby" - named Byte.

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Tags: Mind Games Toys

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