Daily Giz Wiz 786: RCA 121 Antenna

Episode 786 of the podcast

RCA 121 Antenna
Subject: Review of RCA 121 Antenna
Released:Monday 16 March 2009
Length:about 21 minutes
Download file:dgw0786.mp3 (9.8 MB)

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Short info

Watch HDTV for free with the RCA 121 Antenna and an ATSC tuner.

Detailed information

Rabbit ears are back.  Dick's parcel arrived during the recording of last Friday's show, and it's the RCA ANT 121 Universal Indoor Antenna.  It boosts UHF, VHF and FM signals, and provides a 12-position knob for fine tuning.  No cable fees because you're not getting cable.  No sateliite fees because you're not using satellite technolgy.  It works indoors like ordinary rabbit ears, and captures signals right out of the air!  As long as your television has an ATSC tuner (which all television sets regardless of size sold after 1 March 2007 in the States must have), you can get over-the-air digital TV signals, including HD channels.  Dick uses it on his 20-ft boat and it works like a charm.

Winter on the Hudson

The snow in new York has disappeared - which reminds Leo of the well-known saying "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a gefilte fish."  Dick at a younger age had a Boston Whaler.  In the winter he would drive the boat towards an ice sheet floating down the Hudson, and just as it hit the ice, would stop the engine and just let the boat glide across the ice sheet over to the other side.

St Patrick's Day in Ireland

Donal from Dublin, Ireland, remembers Leo asking on St Patrick's Day last year (beginning of Episode 526) whether they celebrate it in Ireland.  Yes, they do, massively, over 3 days, including climbing Croagh Patrick.  By the way, Leo's Irish accent is the worst, Donal adds.

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