Daily Giz Wiz 815: Fujix P701 Projector

Episode 815 of the podcast

Fujix P701 Projector
Subject: Review of Fujix P701 Projector
Released:Friday 24 April 2009
Length:about 20 minutes
Download file:dgw0815.mp3 (9.3 MB)

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Short info

From the Gadget Warehouse: The Fujix P701 projector

Detailed information

From 1993, the first portable video projector from Fujix from about 13 years ago, the Fujix P701 weighed about 6 pounds, with built-in speakers and amplifier, microphone input and RCA audio and video inputs, and Dick thinks it cost about $700-$800.  It was considered a business class product, but had only 89,000 pixels (little more than 320 x 240) and 100 lumens.  Dick and Leo joke that if Kenner or Mattel were to make a toy projector today, its specs would outclass the P701.

The German site projektoren-datenbank.com lists the recommended retail price as €900.  Back in 1993, the Euro did not exist, so it's unclear how the price conversion was done.  There was a P701 available on German eBay a week ago, but the auction has now ended (final price €51).

Bicycle Gadgets

Larry Blakely from Vienna, Virginia (where AOL is, says Leo) has been a listener since the show began (and Larry was one of the winners of the weird gadgets competition back in Episode 146).  Recently Larry has been training for a fund-raising event organised by bestbuddies.org - a charity for fostering friendships between volunteers and people with intellectual disabilities.  He has chosen the 50-mile cycle challenge, during which he will ride on a trike from Carver to Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.  Larry would welcome suggestions from Dick of bike gadgets such as headlights, safety lights, and flat tyre protection.


For some hi-tech recumbent tricycles, visit terratrike.com.  These are state-of-the-art trikes for the dedicated cyclers.

Butter and Eggs Day

Petaluma will be celebrating its annual Butter and Eggs Day tomorrow, and you may hear the parade band pass by if you listen to Leo's radio show.  Meanwhile, Leo will be preparing himself and Ozzy for the Cutest Little Chick contest.

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