Daily Giz Wiz 823: Sandisk UltraBackup USB

Episode 823 of the podcast

Sandisk UltraBackup USB
Subject: Review of Sandisk UltraBackup USB
Released:Wednesday 6 May 2009
Length:about 18 minutes
Download file:dgw0823.mp3 (8.2 MB)

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Short info

Backup at the touch of a button with the Sandisk Ultra Backup USB.

Detailed information

SanDisk has just come up with this Ultra Backup USB Flash Drive, a USB thumb drive with different capacities from 8GB to 64GB, with a backup button.  It uses the U3 software that autoruns on Windows upon insertion of the flash drive, and the built-in backup software will back up the files you have configured to be backed up.  It can set the backup to run automatically, or manually by pressing the backup button.  The U3 and backup software supports only Windows XP or later.  On other operating systems, it can only be used for data storage and access.

Leo's Backup

Leo records his shows on terabyte hard drives, but also backs up the mp3 audio on to a SanDisk 1GB Compact Flash card.  He's learned his lesson after losing a whole batch of DGW recordings (see Episode 67).

A Radio Show Spin-Off

One of our favourite jingle writers Paul Minshall had to write in after listening to Episode 814.  Paul is a huge fan of old time radio shows, especially Jack BennyFibber McGee and Molly was one of the first radio shows to have a spin-off show featuring one of its recurring characters, Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve played by Harold Peary, which became The Great Gildersleeve.

Paul also adds that Leo should not confuse Harold Peary playing Gildersleeve who had a sweetly nervous laugh, with Frank Nelson (Ye-e-e-e-s), heard often on the Jack Benny Program - something which was previously pointed out to Leo by another listener in Episode 397.

You can access many of these old time radio shows on freeotrshows.com and free-otr.com.

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