Daily Giz Wiz 838: Permaflow

Episode 838 of the podcast

Subject: Review of Permaflow
Released:Wednesday 27 May 2009
Length:about 15 minutes
Download file:dgw0838.mp3 (6.9 MB)

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Short info

Give the plumber the day off by using PermaFlow.

Detailed information

Another gadget from the National Hardware Show, the Permaflow is a P-Trap made from ABS plastic with a paddle wheel inside.  The plastic is transparent so you can see through it.  In normal usage, the water pressure will push the paddle wheel round for normal drainage.  If you see something getting stuck inside the drain, you can turn the knob from outside to force the waste through with water running, or use it to help retrieve something (where the Alligetter in Episode 716 might prove handy).  There is also a bypass mode which helps drainage flow even when something is stuck inside the P-Trap.

[play video]

Internet Meltdown

Apparently all of New York is suffering from a bad internet connection while Dick and Leo are recording for this session.  Leo has to give up Dick's video on TWiTLive.

1000 Episodes and More

Dick and Leo are looking forward to Episode 1000, but Bill Allen knows another podcast which reached Episode 1000 on 13 June 2008.  It's History According to Bob, a history podcast by Bob Packett.  But does he have any jingles?

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Tags: Drainage Home Hardware

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