Daily Giz Wiz 844: Remote Buddy

Episode 844 of the podcast

Remote Buddy
Subject: Review of Remote Buddy
Released:Thursday 4 June 2009
Length:about 29 minutes
Download file:dgw0844.mp3 (13.4 MB)

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Short info

Stop loosing youe remote controls with the Remote Buddy.

Detailed information

Remote Buddy (not to be confused with the Mac/iPhone app, or the TV-B-Gone in Episode 102) is a 4-compartment repository for your remote controls.  The Remote Buddy comes with 4 colour-coded receivers (one for each of the remotes) that go on to the backs of the remotes.  If you need to locate a remote, press the corresponding button on the main unit and a beep on the remote will let you know its location.

For a previous remote control locator, check out the Gadget Warehouse resident Magnavox Remote Locator (Episode 265).

More Candidates for the Home Office

Suggestions for the TWiT Home Office's location keep coming in live from the chatroom - Mud Lick in Kentucky, Bald Knob in Arkansas, Batt's Arm in Newfoundland, Toad Suck in Arkansas, Hookersville in West Virginia, Skullbone in Tennessee, Come By Chance in Newfoundland, Two Egg in Florida, and Punkeydoodles Corner, Ontario.  Leo is sticking with Cheesequake, New Jersey for the time being.

For other suggestions, see Answer Giz Wiz Questions, where Newfoundland has had the lion's share of funny names.  Way back in Episode 164, a listener has written in about some of them.  You can listen to it again on twit.tv.

The Question To The Answer

Dick and Leo do a Carnac the Magnificent session (a segment on the Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson).  Prescient answer: Sis Boom Bah.  Question: Dick and Leo can't remember, but it's something to do with an exploding sheep.  Prescient answer: Butterfield ate 8000.  Question: How many hamburgers did Butterfield eat.  Here's a good example of Carnac's routine.

[play video]

Another Qualification on Dick's Resumé

When Johnny Carson took his leave in the summer, the Tonight Show used rotating hosts, each taking a week.  One of them was Gene Rayburn, who once brought Dick on to the team of writers.  Dick even appeared on the show as representative of the National Safety Council, which is still on a kinescope recording somewhere.  Dick has also written for the American version of That Was The Week That Was (TW3).

Mr Podcast

As Milton Berle was called Mr Television, so Leo should be called Mr Podcast, says Dick.  Leo is not sure about that title, and Dick has asked what should Leo be called, on Answer Giz Wiz Questions.  Check out the answers there.

Titanic - A New Musical

Zud from the chatroom suggests to Leo the musical version of the Titanic on Audible.  While Zud may have been pulling Leo's leg, there was a broadway show called "Titanic - A New Musical", and you can find the original cast recording on CD.

Morbid Subjects for Cruise Lectures

Dick has been on the QE2 as a guest giving lectures and talks (see Episode 225).  He found out that apparently one of the more popular subjects for lectures is sunken ships, like the Titanic and the Carpathia.

Giz Wiz Lessons Learnt

Ken Ronkovitz from New Jersey had to resubscribe to shows on his iTunes, and rather than subscribing to individual shows, he decided to subscribe to Radio LeoLesson 1: Leo has a lot of podcasts.  Ken was falling behind with the Daily Giz Wiz and was going to delete some unlistened-to DGW shows, one of which was Episode 750, the Panasonic Travelvision, until a voice told him not to, as he had actually owned the Travelvision.  He listened to the show, and to his pleasant surprise heard his previous letter being read by Dick.  Lesson 2: Never delete a Daily Giz Wiz episode.

Allen v American Apparel Inc

Woody Allen sued American Apparel for using an image of him as a Hasidic Jew from Annie Hall, with the caption "the high rabbi", on advertising billboards.  On 18 May 2009, the case was settled for $5 million.  Read the Reuters article.  For a picture of the billboard, see the Jewish Journal.

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