Daily Giz Wiz 855: P3 Clock Video Recorder

Episode 855 of the podcast

P3 Clock Video Recorder
Subject: Review of P3 Clock Video Recorder
Released:Friday 19 June 2009
Length:about 20 minutes
Download file:dgw0855.mp3 (9.1 MB)

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Short info

From the Gadget Warehouse: P3 Clock Video Recorder

Detailed information

P3 International Desk Clock Video Camera
Spy Camera
Link: P3 International
Dick's Gadget Warehouse

P3 International's Desk Clock Video Camera was first shown to Leo when he visited Dick's Gadget Warehouse in Episode 246.  Back then P3 was having a clearance sale and the gadget was still on its website.  It is no more.  It was a spy camera hidden behind a desk clock which shot black and white video through a narrow slit.  These days you can get spy cams and nanny cams hidden behind fruit baskets, door bells, smoke alarms, alarm clocks and so on, which take colour video, and with better low-light performance.  Check out e.g., Brickhouse Security and Surveillance Spy Cameras.
MakeMeMadDick has rented the current space for his warehouse from Sofia Bros for 21 years, at $350 a month.  That's about $85,000 - plus 5 years in another room before that.  You can support Dick by buying some of his MAD stuff and GizWizBiz gadgets.  Available now are some vintage Alfred E Neuman MAD Mouse Pads made 13 years ago, at Mad-Stuff.

Wall-E and the Beam ScopeSeveral listeners, including Daniel Holth from Gainsville, Florida, have written in, about Wall-E and his giant Fresnel lens which he used for watching video on his iPod.  The film, now available on DVD and Blu-ray, has quite a few geeky references, one of which being Wall-E's personal Beam Scope (Episode 735).  Below is a comparison of the details in the DVD and Blu-ray versions, on hifi-writer.com., where you can see Wall-E watching his iPod video through the magnifying lens.

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