Daily Giz Wiz 891: The Clickfree Transformer

Episode 891 of the podcast

The Clickfree Transformer
Subject: Review of The Clickfree Transformer
Released:Monday 10 August 2009
Length:about 20 minutes
Download file:dgw0891.mp3 (9.3 MB)

Listen to the episode

Short info

Back up files from your iPod to your PC and vice versa with the Clickfree Transformer.

Detailed information

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Clickfree keeps their Transformers rolling.  After the Clickfree Transformer (Episode 753) and the DVD Transformer (Episode 851) comes the Clickfree iPod Transformer, which will be released today.  It sits between your PC and your iPod, and you can back up the contents of your iPod to the computer, or vice versa (if there's space on your iPod).

Wine Train - Live !

Today, Dick and Leo will be on the Wine Train, and Leo might be beaming videos or photos of the train journey with the help of his Verizon MiFi.  Check for their Twitter updates (Leo's Twitter; Dick's Twitter).

Giz Wiz Visit

Don't forget, Dick will be at the TWiT Cottage tomorrow (Tuesday 11 August) recording Episode 900.  Tomorrow evening there will be a meet-up in San Francisco, at Jillian's Billiards at the Sony Metreon, with Dick, Leo and Dane Golden.  It will start at about 6 p.m.  Details at Dick's site.

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The Proud Father of a Podcaster

Leo is very proud of Abby, who is now hosting a podcast of her own, Abby's Road.

The Writers of Writers

At one stage, the writers' room for the Match Game consisted of Dick and Dick only.  But perhaps the most remarkable writers' room was the one for Sid Caesar's Your Show of Shows, which included eminent writers such as Mel Brooks, Woody Allen, Larry Gelbart and Neil Simon.

Weird Al's Parody on CNR

Dick got a rush of emails the day this JibJab video came out.  Jeremy Cartee and Ricky Brigante (host of Inside The Magic) were among the first to tell Dick about Weird Al Yankovic's new video parody on Charles Nelson Reilly, called CNR.

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