Daily Giz Wiz 92: Laserpod

Episode 92 of the podcast

Subject: Review of Laserpod
Released:Tuesday 27 June 2006
Length:about 9 minutes
Download file:dgw0092.mp3 (4.3 MB)

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Short info

Laserpod is your personal light show. It uses three lasers and three blue and purple LED's chosen so that the combination of their wavelengths as a background to the red laser, gives a super sensory experience. This light energy is projected through a crystal and the output is an exciting display of moving shapes and forms. You can place the diffusers (included in the kit), on top of the alloy base and the effects are contained and your Laserpod becomes a soothing ambient lamp. However, the visual fun is best with the diffusers removed. The light forms radiate and project across an entire room moving across the ceiling and down the walls. For the best Laserpod experience the device should be activated in complete darkness. It's portable and can function for up to 8 hours on three Alkaline AA batteries or run directly from the supplied AC line. I like this a lot! Great to help you fall asleep. $100

Detailed information

Using lasers and LEDs, the LaserPod displays a light show across your room, or if you like, keep the beams within the pod which becomes an ambient lamp.
It uses three lasers and three blue and purple LED’s (the colours are chosen so that the combination of their wavelengths form a background to the red laser, giving a super sensory experience). The light is projected through a crystal and the output is an exciting display of moving shapes and forms. You can place the diffusers (included in the kit) on top of the alloy base and the effects are contained and your Laserpod becomes a soothing ambient lamp. However, the visual fun is best with the diffusers removed. The light forms radiate and project across an entire room moving across the ceiling and down the walls. For the best Laserpod experience the device should be activated in complete darkness.

Old Rags Again ...

Dick has received his third email congratulating him for his great idea of leaving old clothes behind on his trips.

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