Note: features gadgets reviewed on The Daily GizWiz podcast. The show no longer exists in its original form, but the site will remain a searchable archive of more than 1300 episodes and gadgets. Have fun!
You can find all the gadgets, including the new ones on Dick DeBartolo's website.
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Results 1 - 10 of 52 for "Phone"
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Daily Giz Wiz 287: SMC Skype Phone and FON Router
It's turn the tables Tuesday, and Leo reviews the SMC Skype Phone and FON Router.
Tags: Phone, Computer Accessory, Networking, VoIP, Skype
Episode 287 - 2007-04-10 - 13 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 75: Phonemate - brought to you by Retail Careers at T-Mobile
From the Classic Gadget Warehouse: the original answering machine: the Phonemate
Tags: Phone, Answering Machine
Episode 75 - 2006-06-02 - 14 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 1018: Siemens Gigaset One
Make cell calls from any phone in the house with the Siemens Gigaset One. Show notes For more deta...
Tags: Phone Accessory, Bluetooth
Episode 1018 - 2010-02-03 - 19 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 1300: Bell Sonic Core Cordless Telephone
From Dick's gadget warehouse comes the Bell Sonic Core Cordless telephone. Download or subscribe t...
Tags: Phone
Episode 1300 - 2011-03-04 - 13 minutes
The Daily Giz Wiz 1115: The Crescent 1925 Locomotive Phone
From the depths of Dick's gadget warehouse comes the Crescent 1925 Locomotive Phone. Download or s...
Tags: Phone
Episode 1115 - 2010-06-18 - 19 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 362: Blueant Supertooth Light
It's turn the tables Tuesday, and Leo reviews the Blueant Supertooth Light car handsfree.
Tags: Bluetooth, Headset, Phone Accessory, Cellphone
Episode 362 - 2007-07-24 - 16 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 107: Infoglobe Plus Caller ID
It's 3D caller ID with the Infoglobe Plus cordless phone from Olympia. Thanks to AOL Radio for the...
Tags: Caller ID, Phone
Episode 107 - 2006-07-18 - 16 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 173: Plantronics Discovery Bluetooth Headset
The Plantronics Discovery 655 Bluetooth headset. What makes this Bluetooth headset different is its ...
Tags: Bluetooth, Cellphone, Phone Accessory, Headset
Episode 173 - 2006-10-18 - 19 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 438: Sony Ericsson 580i Walkman Phone
Rock out with the Sony Ericsson 580i Walkman Phone.
Tags: Cellphone, MP3 Player, Radio, Phone
Episode 438 - 2007-11-07 - 14 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 780: Line Minder
From the Gadget Warehouse: Line Minder
Tags: Phone Accessory
Episode 780 - 2009-03-06 - 21 minutes
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