Note: features gadgets reviewed on The Daily GizWiz podcast. The show no longer exists in its original form, but the site will remain a searchable archive of more than 1300 episodes and gadgets. Have fun!
You can find all the gadgets, including the new ones on Dick DeBartolo's website.
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Results 21 - 30 of 33 for "Speakers"
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Daily Giz Wiz 170: Toshiba Sonic Jacket
From the Gadget Warehouse, perhaps the worst idea ever to emerge from Toshiba: the Sonic Jacket.
Tags: Apparel, Clothing, Speakers
Episode 170 - 2006-10-13 - 13 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 962: Sonos ZonePlayer S5
Leo turns the tables with the Sonos ZonePlayer S5 music player. Show notes For more details and a ...
Tags: iPod Accessory, Speakers, Speakers
Episode 962 - 2009-11-17 - 24 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 747: Griffin AirCurve
Amp up your iPhone without power with The Griffin AirCurve. Shownotes wiki:
Tags: Speakers, iPhone Accessory
Episode 747 - 2009-01-20 - 18 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 764: X-Mini Capsule Speaker
Listen to your iPod sans headphones with the yo-yo-sized, USB-charged, pop-up X-Mini Capsule Speaker...
Tags: Speakers, iPhone Accessory, iPod Accessory
Episode 764 - 2009-02-12 - 13 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 1301: Edifier Aurora
Great sounding and looking portable micro speaker with an elegant brushed aluminum case, it's the E...
Tags: Speakers
Episode 1301 - 2011-03-07 - 13 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 343: Sandisk Sansa Shaker
An MP3 player for kids that's both affordable and easy to use, the Sandisk Sansa Shaker. This week...
Tags: MP3 Player, Speakers
Episode 343 - 2007-06-27 - 14 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 124: iHome2Go
The iHome 2Go portable alarm clock station for iPods and iPod Shuffles is relatively inexpensive and...
Tags: Speakers, iPod Accessory
Episode 124 - 2006-08-10 - 10 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 112: JBL OnTime
JBL's On Time Wake Up wakes you up to music stored on your iPod, MP3 player or other music source. ...
Tags: Speakers, iPod Accessory
Episode 112 - 2006-07-25 - 11 minutes
The Daily Giz Wiz 1280: AIWA Home Theater
From Dick's gadget warehouse comes the Aiwa Home Theater. Download or subscribe to this show at tw...
Tags: DVD Player, Speakers, Hifi
Episode 1280 - 2011-02-04 - 15 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 1075: Datawave Wireless Rock Speaker
From the deep, dark, dreary depths of the gadget warehouse, Dick has brought forth the Datawave Wire...
Tags: Audio Visual, Wacky Gadgets, Speakers
Episode 1075 - 2010-04-23 - 19 minutes
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