Note: features gadgets reviewed on The Daily GizWiz podcast. The show no longer exists in its original form, but the site will remain a searchable archive of more than 1300 episodes and gadgets. Have fun!
You can find all the gadgets, including the new ones on Dick DeBartolo's website.
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Results 11 - 20 of 67 for "Wacky Gadgets"
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Daily Giz Wiz 1075: Datawave Wireless Rock Speaker
From the deep, dark, dreary depths of the gadget warehouse, Dick has brought forth the Datawave Wire...
Tags: Audio Visual, Wacky Gadgets, Speakers
Episode 1075 - 2010-04-23 - 19 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 1065: Mad Magazine Clock
From the depths of the gadget warehouse emerges Dick's Mad Magazine Clock. Show notes For more de...
Tags: Timepiece, Clock, Watch, Wacky Gadgets
Episode 1065 - 2010-04-09 - 12 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 1061: Puzzle Sandwich Cutter
Lunch comes together nicely with Puzzle Sandwich Cutters. Show notes For more details and a chance...
Tags: Cooking, Wacky Gadgets, Food and Beverage
Episode 1061 - 2010-04-05 - 20 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 1059: Uro-Mug
Folks are bursting with enthusiasm for the Uro-Mug, the coffee mug with results. Show notes For mo...
Tags: Wacky Gadgets, Hygiene
Episode 1059 - 2010-04-01 - 15 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 1050: Whipping Boy
From the depths of Dick's gadget warehouse comes the Whipping Boy. Show notes For more details an...
Tags: Toys, Wacky Gadgets
Episode 1050 - 2010-03-19 - 16 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 1004: Illuminated JetBib
Food goes in for a landing with the Illuminated Jet Bib. For show notes visit the TWiT Wiki. For m...
Tags: Child Care, Wacky Gadgets
Episode 1004 - 2010-01-14 - 17 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 993: Japanese Traffic Alarm Clock
Awake to a few street noises with the surprisingly mild Japanese Traffic Alarm Clock. For show note...
Tags: Clock, Timepiece, Wacky Gadgets, Alarm Clock
Episode 993 - 2009-12-30 - 14 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 986: ThinkGeek Guitar T-Shirt
Why play air guitar when you can strum your chest with the Think Geek Electronic Rock T-Shirt... Fo...
Tags: Apparel, Clothing, Tshirt, Wacky Gadgets
Episode 986 - 2009-12-21 - 24 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 942: Penguin Tea Timer
The Penguin Tea Timer will take your tea drinking experience to the next level. Show notes For mor...
Tags: Wacky Gadgets, Food and Beverage
Episode 942 - 2009-10-20 - 18 minutes
Daily Giz Wiz 930: Panasonic VMSS Headphones
From the gadget warehouse, Panasonic VMSS Headphones. Show notes For more details and a chance to ...
Tags: Wacky Gadgets, Headphones
Episode 930 - 2009-10-02 - 22 minutes
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